Satyajeet Nagargoje

I am a second year PhD Student in the theory group at Georgetown University. Previously, I was a masters student at Georgetown University where I was and I am still fortunate to be advised by Alexander Golovnev.
I am interesed in Circuit Lower Bounds and Complexity theory broadly.
Address: 342C, St. Mary’s Hall 3700 Reservoir Rd NW Washington, DC 20057
Hilbert Functions and Low-Degree Randomness Extractors
Alexander Golovnev, Zeyu Guo, Pooya Hatami, Satyajeet Nagargoje, Chao Yan
arxiv, ECCC RANDOM 2024
Range Avoidance for Constant-Depth Circuits: Hardness and Algorithms
Karthik Gajulapalli, Alexander Golovnev, Satyajeet Nagargoje, Sidhant Saraogi
arxiv RANDOM 2023
Circuit Lower Bounds via Substitutions
I have been a TA to the following Courses:
Fall 2023: COSC 1110-01- Math Methods for Computer Science
Spring 2022: COSC 240- Introduction to Algorithms
Fall 2022: COSC 540- Graduate Algorithms
Spring 2023: COSC 240: Introduction to Algorithms
Outside of work I do love to cook Indian food, hike, climb and bike.